To New Beginnings!

Ruth Maureen Gathoni
3 min readMay 22, 2022

Hello there I don’t know about you but I love new beginnings! Do you?

I love it when I get to unbox a new gift, open new toothpaste, — haha yeah, there’s excitement in that too, receive forgiveness and start afresh.. I soo love the fact that Jesus made it possible for our Father in heaven to forgive all our sins and give us the Ultimate New Beginning in a relationship with God! You know, when the Father looks at the sacrifice His Son made by first obeying the sending or the call to go and reconcile man and God (it was a hefty price He would pay for this call), and enduring the dreadful bloody cross to the very last breathe, His wrath is satisfied and whoever has believed in that Messiah stands before Him as though He never sinned. Completely forgiven. Fresh start in a relationship with the Father. This is the great sigh of relief that we have hope of eternal life with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Eternal life, life with Him forever. This is the greatest new start we could ever muse about.

However, I want today to talk about the importance of endurance in the obedience process. The part where we have been given a new start and are now into this relationship and have to walk it. The becoming journey, if we can call it so.

I dare say the process of becoming is as important as the new beginning! It is not as glamorous as the new beginning. Lets take an example of a newly married couple. The bride is elated, glowing even. The groom is happy, excited about this new leaf turned. They enjoy each others company and would not want to be separated by anything-even a minute seems like an hour away from each other. There is a lot of excitement, anticipation of great things, there is joy and life! However, as they journey on in marriage, the giggles, sparkle in their eyes is a little dim but they must consistently and faithfully keep journeying together and keeping their vows to each other and God. The routine of life may steal the lustre of a marriage and even our relationship with God. But God is still calling us to faithfulness even when the lustre is not as shiny and shimmering.

And this is where the meat of everything is. Hapa ndio utamu umekolea. The place where we stick through with our commitments with God, with our partners, with work, friendships even our own commitments to ourselves. There is far more thrill and reward on the other side of commitment. Its not all romantic when we get down to the work, the routine may not be all rosy but the end result will be far more romantic, rosy and rewarding! To my fellows who love new beginnings, with the same magnitude lets love the becoming process and endure to the end, for the reward!

Sourced from Pintrest.

I still love opening my new toothpaste, and when I open it, I will now press it every time as though I have just opened it until its time for the next tube!

